Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My life would not be as good without:

1. I love the magazine Scientific American Mind. The articles always pull me in, and ask Andre if I read one fact I like it sticks in my brain the rest of my life and I will share it with everyone I meet. I would love to be a graphic artist and help create the amazing images that you will see page to page. Every thing about it blows my mind.

2. Stupid little keepsakes. I am a memory hoarder. It started out with a few notes, now I have boxes full of useless objects that hold special meaning to only me. I have to limit myself to one box or else i'll end up on hoarders.

3. Unnecessary HUGE wall clocks. It's an obsession. Andre got me one for christmas and I am in love with it...even though he says it makes our apartment look like something out of dr.suess.

 4. Dallas Green. I used to fall asleep to his voice every night. There is nothing more relaxing.

 5. Woody Allen and his wise crack charisma. He inspires my smart ass ways.

 6. Films made before 1950. These were the days when movies were more pure and innocent. All you needed was a plot and some dialogue. Good old fashioned romance and conflict. The movie industry was limitless, ideas coming from every direction. These days were running out of film ideas so much that directors are recreating disney films! (Everyone knows nothing can beat the classics.) I was born in the wrong time era.

 7. Need I say more?

 8. Modernizing Art.

 10. I have an addiction to picture frames. I have more picture frames than I do photos. My house will look like this one day if Andre lets me. haha

 11. I have dyed my hair every color in the book. My favorite of all was cinnaberry. Deep Bold Red. I miss it.

 12. Brand New. I'm not emo, I swear!

 13. Salvador Dali. My favorite artist. We have a different style but he inspires me to think outside of the box and opens my mind up ultimately making me more creative every day.

 14. My family. (Plus Josh Pettit)

 15. Frank Sinatra & Ella Fitzgerald. My two favorite artists. Once again - born in the wrong time era.

 16. Unforgettable summer nights spent by a campfire and singing songs. I honestly have no idea who is in this photo haha. Andre and I got an awesome fire pit as a wedding gift. Someone should come over and light it up with us!

 17. Sushi. Particularly Eel. But I'm not picky, I will even eat chinese buffet sushi. (sue me)

 18. I love inventing fancy mixed drinks. This love for bartending started at a young age, when I had dreamt of owning a bar/cafe. I had it designed and everything.

 19. Clear Water Beach on the Gulf of Mexico. It is my favorite place in the entire world. I haven't traveled very far, but so far...this is it.

 20. Andre Brunette.

 21. My Coolpix Projector Camera. Hours of endless fun.

 22. Pharell William Powell. This little man has gotten me through some of the worst times. We have an unbreakable love, and I will never be able to replace him. I found him on October 17th, 2009. I drove all the way to Weedsport to find a starving 5 week old pup that reeked of abuse. I scooped him up for $50.00. That day he was shy until I bought Ralph and Rosie's pizza. He leaped and yoinked it straight out of my hand and ate it whole. I knew then that he was my boy! For months he would not leave my lap - driving, working, sleeping. We were attached. He's lived with my parents since December 2010... I miss sharing a bed with him every night. I can not wait to get a home where we can have Relly & Zero live. Until that day my heart is broken.

 23. Charlie from It's Always Sunny. He is the dayman of my life! haha

 24. James Dean. Perfect in every shape and form.

 25. Traditional tattoo doodles - I've always been attracted to images of sea life, but secretly I am terrified to step foot on boats. I fear the moment that land disappears.

 26. My greatest friend, Andrea Lyn Saeva. We met in the 2nd grade and have been inseperable ever since. We grew to be the same, and went through the stages of life together. She is one of those friends you know will be around until the day you die. I don't have a problem with that!

27. My best friend and cousin, Kirstin Lee Clark. We are ridiculous together, and not even 3000 miles can tear us apart.

1 comment:

  1. I can't even choose a favorite! And u own a projector camera!? that sounds epic-ly cool. I have to see it.
